Ohio Counseling Conversations
Ohio Counseling Conversations
Conversation 17 - Stories Have Power
In this episode we speak with Dr. Jessica Headley, a clinical mental health counselor with a specialization in perinatal mental health. Dr. Headley discusses her extensive experience supporting pregnant and postpartum parents and the evidenced-based practices she utilizes. She also talks with host Dr. Marisa Cargill about the needs that this population has, how to spot postpartum depression, and the advocacy work involved. Check out our conversation with Dr. Jessica Headley to hear all of this and more as she shares her insights as to why advocacy and telling this population's stories are so powerful and necessary today.
Resources from the Episode:
Postpartum Support International (PSI): https://www.postpartum.net/
Perinatal Outreach and Encouragement for Moms (POEM): https://mhaohio.org/get-help/maternal-mental-health/
*Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (1987): https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/edinburgh-postnatal-depression-scale.pdf
*PHQ-9: https://www.apa.org/depression-guideline/patient-health-questionnaire.pdf
IPT: https://iptinstitute.com/ipt-training-events-2/
Black Mamas Matter: https://blackmamasmatter.org/